Animal welfare at Granarolo-Granlatte

Farm animal welfare is an everyday commitment for Granarolo-Granlatte farmers.

A long-standing focus on animal welfare

A long-standing focus on animal welfareMilk from Granarolo-Granlatte is delivered every day from a supply chain of over 600 farmers who are partners in the Granlatte cooperative, in 12 Italian regions.

Granarolo-Granlatte is a network which involves, on a daily basis, farmers, herds, farms, veterinaries, technicians, laboratories and vehicles. Every day, this network faces quality and sustainability objectives based on shared procedures.
In the mid-1980s, Granarolo-Granlatte launched a programme to improve the quality of the milk in the cowshed linked to farm animal welfare. 

Animal Welfare Certification

Since 2020, all farms in the Granlatte supply chain have been evaluated for animal welfare through a new "Bonlatte" checklist created in collaboration with the University of Milan and CRPA of Reggio Emilia.
The assessment analyzes various aspects of farm management:
  • staff training and farm management with particular reference to hygiene and cleanliness of the various environments;
  • livestock facilities and equipment used on the farm in order to ensure the best animal comfort;
  • measurement of the impacts that these aspects manifest directly on the animals, whereby the state of cattle nutrition, their cleanliness, any skin lesions, the state of udder health and the farm in general are evaluated.
​During 2022, upon completion of the evaluations carried out using the Bonlatte protocol, CSQA issued an animal welfare certification with timely guidance to breeder members to implement continuous improvement of animal welfare in the barn.

The work done made it possible to achieve the important goal of improving the entire social base of the Cooperative: the Granlatte-Granarolo Group can boast the first large Italian supply chain certified on animal welfare and today strongly committed to reducing the use of drugs.

The breeding methods are inspired by the continuous improvement of the welfare.
So we can guarantee to our consumers the best milk products.

Down on the farm

Granarolo-Granlatte cowsheds, registered as educational farms, are open to schoolchildren and organised groups throughout the year (registration required - link to form) and families.
Visit the website to keep up-to-date with our initiatives and discover the farms of Granarolo-Granlatte, the largest Italian milk supply network ( 
This is a unique experience to learn about and discover a vital cultural, environmental and local heritage, all in the fresh air.

Under the farmer's direct guidance, you will be able to:
  • participate actively in life on the farm
  • rediscover the value of farming
  • consolidate your link with the local area
  • try conscious consumption
  • taste Granarolo-Granlatte products